Promoting the Columbus Region.

cohesive image & Identity
Promotes the Columbus Region as a unified community brand as an amazing place to live, work, visit, and play
For far too long, we’ve been Georgia’s best-kept secret, but we have an amazing story to tell, and now is the time to tell it. Columbus 2025 aligns all local marketing efforts to create a cohesive image and identity for both internal and external messaging.
Success Metrics
Successful development and adoption of an updated community brand identity
Positive outside media coverage generated through an earned media campaign
Number of annual visitors, conventions, trade shows and other events attracted to Greater Columbus
Cultivation of an outward-facing “image” that boosts external perceptions of Greater Columbus as a competitive location for business and talent, and home of excellent amenities and philanthropic assets. A substantial portion of this work is captured in other goal areas–such as marketing activities geared specifically toward potential residents or companies that might invest in the region. But national best practices and local stakeholders are in agreement that coordinating the region’s external messaging across a variety of channels will increase its effectiveness.
Implementation Documents: