Navigating Barriers
Workforce Education Series
This education series will be led by local experts and community leaders to provide current information on services and benefits that can help address common obstacles to employment. All sessions are hosted at Columbus Technical College.
The primary audience for this series is agencies, non-profits, and programs that serve individuals facing barriers to employment.
2023 Session Topics & Dates
Child Care
Monday, February 27 I 3pm - 5pm
CAPS, Quality Rated system, availability of extended hours, sick and overnight care
Second Chance Hiring
Monday, April 17 I 3pm - 5pm
Resources for navigating the hiring process and second chance hiring best practices
Transportation Access
Monday, June 12 I 3pm - 5pm
Resources and potential partnerships, automobile repair support, and car purchase assistance
Cliff Effect
Monday, August 21 I 3pm - 5pm
Anticipating and navigating the cliff effect, living wage, and GA Federal Reserve Calculator
Digital Literacy
Monday, October 16 I 3pm - 5pm
Navigating resources, effective use of mobile devices, accessing and effectively utilizing 2-1-1
Education & Training
Monday, November 13 I 3pm - 5pm
Free and low-cost education and training resources available